Saturday, January 28, 2006

Toffee Bars for the Girls

Last night my sister had some friends over for a girl party. We had all the requisite 'party food' laid out and I decided to make some squares for the occasion. I wanted to make something easy and with chocolate so I consulted my cookbooks and settled on Toffee Bars from Wanda's Pie in the Sky. I bought this book on a whim at a mall booksale a couple years ago. I had vaguely heard of Wanda and after doing the cursory look-through I was sold. (I also really liked the font she used in her book.) Little did I know then that this book would be as useful as it has been. I am now not fazed at making pie crust, although I still do the occasional patch job and her Triple Chunk Cookies are amazing. Back to the toffe bars though, they were simple to make with a wooden spoon - no mixer needed. The crust had the consistency of oatmeal cookie dough and once it was baked all I had to do was melt some semi-sweet chocolate, spread it over the cooled bars and add a sprinkling of pecans and voila, yummy, chewy squares in about an hour. The girls liked them a lot and they tasted even better the next day with some tea for breakfast.

If you're interested check out Wanda's website and see what she's got. If I ever get to Yorkville, I would definitely want to check out one of her classes. A fantastic way to spend 3 hours, at least for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
