When I was in Chapters the other day, I picked up a Nestle Favourite Cookies cookbook. It was the small soft-cover type of cookbook that they sell alongside the magazines. I said why not - I can always use another cookie book. The very first recipe is for their famous Toll House chocolate chip cookie. I tried it immediately hoping it would satisfy my cookie craving.
Well, the dough was beautiful. It was like the chunks you find in cookie dough ice cream. I used golden sugar instead of brown so my dough was a little lighter in colour. After a little mixing, they went in the oven and came out all soft and chewy. I was pretty happy since they spread nicely and were not too flat nor too domed. As usual, the longer you bake, the harder they become so watch carefully so you get the cookie consistency you want.
These were a hit and I had to hide the cookies in the picture so that I could photograph them. They lasted two days, even the ones I left in a little too long. They're easy so try them out when you're desiring some melty chocolate goodness and see if they really do live up to their reputation.
Recipe: Original Nestle Toll House Cookies
Certainly can't go wrong with a classic!
These are the only kind we make in my family... delicious and comforting.
I liked them, but i like the Landolakes choc. chip cookies better! The Tollhouse spread too much and were crispier. I like my cookies chewy.
I have been reading your blog for so long but it's the first time I post a comment. I made the Pear and Cream Cheese Squares the other day and they were a hit! thank you!
Joe - I agree!
Lauren - Chocolate can defintely be very comforting!
Corianne - Thanks for the tip. I've never tried the Land o' Lakes recipe and now I will. I also like my cookies chewy.
Helene - Yeah! I'm glad they were a hit. Thanks for stopping by! :)
Sometimes nothing beats a classic.
Always a classic.
I honestly don't understand why these are so loved. Whenever I make them they spread like crazy and the chips stick up like mountains. They look nothing like yours. Confusion in my little head!!!
Claire - I know what you're talking about. I have made many a cookie that have been flat frisbees with chocolate chips poking out of them. I'm not sure what makes a recipe vary from one person to another but sometimes I find that the mood I'm in (or if I'm rushing)affects my baking. Bad mood for me equals bad cookie. :)
I'm going to try and mae these cookies cause they look yummy and seem easy! As for the spreading issue- I think it depends alot of the temperature of the dough when it goes into the oven. I usually chill the dough after mixing prior to baking and keep the dough in the freezer while each batch is baking. That way the heat of the kitchen doesnt "melt" the dough. Hope that helps! Happy baking!
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