The cake comes from Chocolate & Vanilla by Gale Gand and I really love it. The recipe seems a little finicky but you most definitely do not need a fancy mixer to whip it up. Just note that the frosting just covers the cake - you won't have any leftover. Add some ice cream and you have one of the best desserts ever.
So if you want to do something special for someone you know bake them a cake and if your birthday is today, Happy Birthday!
Recipe: Golden Vanilla Layer Cake with Chocolate Fudge Frosting
I hope everybody with a birthday today has a cake as glorious as this one!
Nice timing! You post this just as I put the crumb coat of icing on the vanilla cake I need to make for my cake class tomorrow! (wink!)
I think I have to make another cake in two weeks - maybe I better print this one off now. :-)
Hi Jen! What a lovely looking birthday cake... I'm always a fan of layered cakes - it seems like there is a better cake to frosing/icing ratio! :)
Jen, if I lived next to your house I'd beg you to bake my birthday cake. ;)
Looks like a great birthday cake...hey mine is coming up next week...hehehe. Anyways, I was hoping that maybe you would put a link to my blog on your site. I would really appreciate extra readers and I have a loyal following towards your blog.
A classic and it must be good. Glad you mentioned the just-enough icing, cuz there's always someone on the lookout to lick the bowl before I've finished icing the cake.
Now THAT looks fantastic, Jen!
Oh how I love layer cake with chocolate frosting.. Mmmm chocolate
I've been thinking about getting that cookbook...I will add it to my Amazon wish list!
Thanks guys for all the nice comments! If I could, I'd make you all one!
You're right about this cake. Its very good. I made it tonight as cupcakes. Robin has a bday thing tomorrow. Its so light and fluffy.
Randi - I'm glad it worked out for you. It makes great b-day cake or cupcakes! Hope Robin liked them.
Amiable brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
Not sure what happened, but this did not turn out for me at all. I have been making scratch layer cakes for 30 years and this is my first failure. I followed the directions exactly. Both layers baked with sunken middles, the opposite of the the usual slight puff up. When cooling, both layers basically collapsed.
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