Sunday, January 01, 2012

Accidental Trifle

Happy New Year!  To start things off with a bang here is the trifle I made for Christmas.  Contrary to its name, it was no accident - every component was planned out.  It was sweet, creamy delicious and massive.  I only have one glass bowl so I had to almost double it so it wouldn't look wimpy.

There are hundreds of trifle recipes out there and no doubt you have a favourite one.  If you're new to trifle-making, this is a good recipe to try out.  The basics are there - cake, custard, whipped cream and fruit.  Total yumminess in every bite.  You can use store-bought products or homemade, whichever you prefer.  Personalize it to your tastes and prepare to wow everyone.

Accidental Trifle

1 stale or fresh layer cake or pound cake
6 cups strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (or any combination thereof)
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 recipe prepared cream filling (recipe below)
2 cups 35% whipping cream
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1/4 cup sherry (any kind), optional
1 cup raspberry or apricot jam

Cut the cake up into slices, as evenly as you can - they can be ragged or funny shaped: it doesn't matter.  Prepared fruit (wash, slice, peel do whatever must be done) and toss it with 1/4 cup of the sugar.  Prepare the cream filling and let cool.

Pour the whipping cream into a large bowl and add the remaining 2 tbsp of sugar.  Beat with an electric mixer on high speed until the cream is thick and holds a soft peak when you lift the beaters from the bowl.  Set aside.

Arrange about half of the cake slices in a layer on the bottom of your prettiest glass bowl (approximately 8-inch/20cm in diameter).  Sprinkle the cake slices with sherry, then spread with half of the jam.  Top with half of the fruit, then slather with half of the cream filling.  Cover with half of the whipped cream.

Now repeat: the rest of the cake slices, more sherry, the rest of the jam, the rest of the fruit, rest of the custard and the rest of the whipped cream.  Smooth the top of the whipped cream and decorate with a few extra berries.  Makes 8-10 servings.

Cream Filling

2 cups milk
3 eggs
2/3 cup granulated sugar
3 tbsp cornstarch
2 tbsp all-purpose flour
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup whipping cream
1 tbsp granulated sugar

Blend together the milk, eggs, 1/3 cup sugar, cornstarch and flour.  Blend until smooth, then pour into a medium-sized heavy saucepan.  Cook, stirring almost constantly with a whisk, over medium-low heat until the mixture becomes smooth and thick - 5 to 8 minutes.  Do not leave this stuff alone for a second.  It will thicken suddenly and without warning.  Remove from heat and stir in the butter and vanilla, whisking until smooth.  Cover the surface of the hot custard with a layer of plastic wrap (to prevent a skin from forming), and refrigerate for an hour or two until completely cooled.

With an electric mixer, beat the whipping cream with the 1 tbsp of sugar until stiff.  Peel the plastic wrap off the custard and beat briefly with the mixer so it is smooth and creamy.  Gently fold in the whipping cream until fully incorporated.  Now its ready to use in your trifle.

Recipe Source:  The Clueless Baker, 2001

Notes:  I made my trifle without sherry and used strawberry jam.


meese said...

I can personally attest to the deliciousness of this trifle!

Lisa said...

Trifle is always a delicious idea for dessert. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog till Monday night and I’d love it if you’d come by and link your trifle up.

Sardinia said...

this must be very delicious!
Let's try!

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