The bar is a snap to assemble - the base is oat-based and the filling contains coconut, cherries and pecans. Once it is mixed up, the filling is poured on top of the base, baked and finished off with a vibrantly-hued cherry icing. The final product is similar in consistency to a butter tart and is very sweet. I cut a piece a little larger for the picture but I think they would be best enjoyed as small squares. The coconut lends some chewiness to the bar and the nuts add crunch. ( I substituted walnuts for the pecans since that is what I had on hand.) Overall, they were tasty and perfect for a late night sweet treat. I also think that the sugar in the base and filling could be reduced for those watching their intake as the icing would provide enough sugar for the whole pan.
Recipe: Cherry Chews
Another great recipe from you. Will definitely try it.
So I just realized that I'm living vicariously through a few of these baking blogs because I joined weight watchers---and this is my sweet kick. I've now read your whole entire blog (acutlaly, probably three other persons whole entire baking blogs too). too funny.
Oh well, at least I'm only looking and dreaming, and not eating! I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. Thanks!
Spicehut - These were a hit at my house...I think it was the pink icing that did it. :)
Darien - I'm glad to help you out! Thanks for reading!
ooh, i love how old-skool this dessert looks! i also remember my friend typing out recipes for that book a few years ago!
I just need some juvenile calorie burners (that means under 30 year olds and lots of them) and I'd be in the kitchen baking these. Love the cherries, wow.
Kickpleat - Old-skool is right...the whole book is filled with great recipes like this one. :)
Tanna - Right there with you! Fortunately, I have no shortage of friends and small kids to share with. Otherwise I'd be in trouble! :)
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Dear Canadian Baker:
Years ago the recipes in the Bars and Squares books were part of a CBC radio contest. I loved the Buttertart Squares by Clo Carey and find I have lost the page with the recipe (although I have the page with the story about them!). Would you post that recipe again? I recall it was a particularly good one!
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