I made them today and they are amazing. The ingredients are easy to find and the preparation is a breeze. The almond extract lends a sutble flavour to the fingers and the semolina adds a nice grainy texture. MiltonMama, a faithful reader, said they were wonderful and she especially liked the crunch from the semolina. The bars cut very easily and are moist and cakey. Leave it to inventive Canadians to make a bar that stands the test of time - they are just as fantastic as they must have been 70+ years ago.
Recipe: Almond Fingers
Just yummy dear!
Okay - when HD saw this picture she said "oh my god!" and wants to know when you're going to send us a care package with all these yummies in it!!?!?
RedCat & HoneyD
I've never seen semolina in a baking recipe but I am intrigued, because semolina has a sweet application in the Gujarati culture. They sound delectable- I love anything with jam in it!
MiltonMama - Thank you! I totally forgot to mention I added slivered almonds in the original post. You're the best. :)
Spicehut - Thanks so much!
RedCat & HD - Send me your address and yummies will be on their way!
Tanvi - The jam and semolina do go very well together. I find that semolina is great for baking when you want something with texture. :)
Hi Canadian Baker. I am a fan of your writing and scrumptious photography. Just thought you might want to see what i've done. http://cookingismypassion.blogspot.com/2006/05/vanilla-raspberry-squares.html
Dont worry; I didn't kill your recipe, It still is tasty!
Keep up the great job! Love your blog :)
Suyin - Your bars look great! I'm glad you tried them out!
I have broken down and bought that cookbook. You have made too many things from there that look too good to pass up.
Peabody - Let me know how it works out for you. I have a .75 fine from the library on my copy so maybe I should go out and buy it too! :)
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