One ingredient in these cookies that is not always present is cream of tartar which acts as a stabilizer and adds volume to baked goods. (At least I think so.) It is easily obtained at bulk food stores so you need not buy a lot. It is also used to make icing for cakes and occurs naturally during the fermentation of grape juice into wine and crystallizes in the wine casks.
So with the cooler weather this morning here in Ontario, I think I'll make a cup of tea, grab a cookie and watch as my backyard transforms from a big dirt pile into a green grassy oasis.
Recipe: Lemon Coconut Crisps
Those look so delectable.
A perfect complement to afternoon tea here at the Fish Creek House Bed and Breakfast here in Montana. Will whip up a batch for this afternoon's guests.... Thanx.
These look so delicious and delicate! Thanks for the heads up re: cream of tarter, an ingr. that isn't used much, I always wondered what it actually did.
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!!
I love cream of tartar. To me it lends a unique flavor to the final product as well!
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