The sugar cookie recipe I used is from BHG and I liked it because there was no chilling time required. I don't mind making rolled cookie-cutter cookies but sometimes you just don't have time to wait. The dough is straightforward and I was able to make the cookies immediately, though if you need to, refrigerating them is not a problem.
An important thing to remember when rolling the dough into balls is to not use too much force or 'smush' the dough unnecessarily. This will usually result in tougher cookies that are missing a tender crumb texture. Afterwards, I (quite liberally) rolled the balls in different coloured sugars just for fun and visual interest.
The cookies also bake at a lower temperature for a longer time (sort of like shortbread) so they come out very lightly browned on the bottom and melt in your mouth delicious. They're perfect to make with kids (or anyone who loves sprinkles) and are easy enough for the most novice of bakers so give them a try. Happy Baking!
Recipe: Tender Sugar Cookies
I am loving all these cookies!! We just did a massive cookie swap and now my freezer is full of baking. Christmas can come anytime!
Our pre-school kids used this recipe for a baking project in school last week. Big hit with the adults and the children alike; melt-in-your-mouth scrumptious and the colored sugars were like glitter! Thank you!
i made these last week and they were fantastic, the best sugar cookie recipe I have ever had. will be making more this year and every year to come, cant wait!
Hina & Courtney - I'm glad you liked the cookies!
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