Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cranberry Pear Bars

These Cranberry Pear Bars were not on the menu for today. I didn't have all the ingredients for what I originally intended to make so when I saw a frozen package of cranberries in the freezer, I decided to do something with them instead.

I have posted quite a few recipes like this one where an oat base is topped with fruit and then sprinkled with reserved base mixture. This recipe is even easier because you can whizz everything up in a food processor or you can use a pastry blender. The cranberry filling is similar to making cranberry sauce except you don't let it get as thick or as sweet as the turkey topper. I suppose you could use regular cranberry sauce, the choice would be up to you.

The overall bar is quite wholesome and healthy tasting. It is definitely not sugary sweet and the tartness of the cranberries shines through. I think some cinnamon in the oat base would be a great addition to make it more flavourful but on the whole, it is quite a nice bar. They slice very cleanly and can be frozen so you can enjoy them for much longer than you first anticipated.

Recipe: Cranberry Pear Bars


Anonymous said...

Mmm ... like date squares, but different! Nice!

PG said...

These look very nice!

darien said...

hahaha...I love how you said that freezing them would make them last longer.

I LOVE frozen cookies. So I can see them being eaten a lot quicker. After all, if you're going to open the freezer to take out might as well take two or three!

Seriously though, they look great! I too have frozen berries in the freezer, so I'm going to make them Saturday. Then all our Ontario snow might look a little more cheerful??