Since this is a global campaign, you can visit Chez Pim to view all the prizes for this event. Our Canadian host is the wonderful Jasmine the Cardamom Addict so please go take a look at all the great offerings from Canadians across the country. Jasmine has also very thoughtfully translated the information into French. If you would like more information on how to purchase tickets and donations please visit First Giving.
For Menu for Hope, I am donating two cookbooks. The first is the Buttercup Bake Shop Cookbook written by Jennifer Appel, one of the original founders of the famous Magnolia Bakery in New York. It is a great book to add to any collection and includes some beautiful photographs. The good old-fashioned recipes are not difficult and would be suitable for the the confident baker. The second book is the Philadelpia Cream Cheese Classic Recipes cookbook. Again, this book has a lot of colour pictures for cooking inspiration and has a great range of recipes - all the way from appetizers to special occasions. Oh, and don't forget, there is a whole chapter on the lovely cheesecake!
Tickets cost US $10 and will buy one raffle ticket to your prize of choice. If you are interested in my donation the prize code is CA07. You must specify which prize you're interested in by quoting the prize code in the "personal message" section.
Here are the instructions for the event:
1. Go to the donation page at http://www.firstgiving.com/menuforhopeIII to make a contribution.
2. Each US $10 donation will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice. Please specify which prize or prizes you'd like by entering the prize code in the 'Personal Message' section in the donation form when confirming your contribution. E.G. A US $50 donation may be two tickets for UW99 and three tickets for CA20.*
3. Some companies will match personal charitable donations made by staff. If your company has such a program, please remember to mark the appropriate box and fill in the information so we could claim the corporate match.
4. Please also check the box to allow us to see your email address. We need this so we can contact you in case you win a prize. If you do not do this, we will be unable to contact you. Please be assured that we will not share your email address with anyone.
5. Raffle results will be announced on 15 January on Chez Pim. Draws will be conducted electronically, thanks to Derrick at Obsession with Food for creating the computer application used to magically select names.
*N.B.: Canadian tax laws prohibit charitable donation receipts to be issued by registered Canadian charities for raffle or lottery tickets. The UNWFP is a U.S.-based charity; should any donation receipts be issued, you will need to seek professional advice regarding applying them to your Canadian income tax return.
Again, my prize code is CA07 and I'm donating The Buttercup Bake Shop Cookbook and Philadelphia Cream Cheese Classic Recipes. Thank you and please give generously!!
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